Tá scéalta ag dul anonn agus anall anois go bhféadfadh
iarrthóir neamhspleách a bheith i gConamara san Olltogchán agus ceist na
mbóithre - an bóthar nua go Gaillimh ina measc - a bheith ar cheann de na bunchlocha
sa bhfeachtas. Tá an chaint seo treisithe tar éis an chruinniú a d'eagraigh an
Feisire Eorpach, Marian Harkin le toscaireacht as Carna agus Cill Chiaráin in Uachtar Ard
tráthnóna Déardaoin seo caite.
MEP Marian Harkin told a deputation from Fóram lorras Aithneach - the Camna Community Forum - this week that she was in favour of the development of a major road from west Connemara to Galway city.
Marian Harkin told a deputation of 10 people from the Community Forum that she believed that balanced development was needed in County Galway. It was obvious, she said, that areas in west Connemara were lagging seriously behind and a major road was one of the key priorities.
Councillor Seosamh Ó Cuaig, Chairman of the Roads and Transportation Committee in Galway County Council, also attended the meeting as did Councillor Declan McPartland, a member of Marian Harkin's support team.
The Oughterard meeting was held at the request of Marian
Harkin's office.
The Cara/Cill Chiaráin deputation gave an account of their efforts to gain support for the
new road from somewhere in the Screebe area to Galway City. They told MEP Harkin that they were
surprised when the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs, Éamon Ó
Cuív announced in Ros Muc last Februamy that he had decided on the course of a new road to
Connemara and that it would go no farther west than Rosaveal.
Councillor Declan McPartland said that decisions about the routing of a new road like this would be
a matter for Galway County Council in the first instance. MEP, Marian Harkin said she was surprised
at the involvement of the National Roads Authomity in this debate as the matter would not seem to
have anything to do with them, at this stage.
An Curadh Chonnachtach 8/9/2006
Rinne an Feisire Harkin ráiteas láidir poiblí faoin mbóthar seo
arú anuraidh, nuair a dúirt si go raibh sé ar an mbóthar ba mheasa in
Éirinn. Déanann an bóthar seo freastal ar roinnt mhaith pobail Ghaeltachta freisin.
Ceaptar gur mhaith leis an bhFeisire Harkin go dtarraingeofaí aird láidir
pholaitiúil ar cheist an bhóthair nua as iarthar Chonamara go Gaillimh anois.
Tá an cheist seo ag fáil nios práinní de réir an lae anois.
Tá Eagras Fáilte an Iarthair ar an dream is deireanaí atá ag rá
gur uafásach an mhibhuntáiste iad na bóithre i gConamara ; tá
comhlachtaí busanna turasóiri ag rá leis an Eagras Fáilte go bhfuil siad
ag éirí bréan de chaighdeán na mbóithre taobh thiar de Ghaillimh.
Tá tuairimiocht ann go bhféadfadh an Comhairleoir Contae, Seosamh Ó
Cuaig seasamh mar iarrthóir Neamhspleách le tacaíocht ó
ghrúpaí elle a bheadh ag cuidiú le gluaiseacht neamhspleách
iarrthóirí in iarthar na hÉireann. Ach, níl aon bhlas ráite ag Ó
Cuaig féin faoi seo.
Máirtín Ó Cathéin - Foinse 3/9/2006 Baile |