A solidarity protest with the Rossport community was held ai the Casia crossroads on Sunday.

About sixty-five people from Conamara were in attendance to express their support for the campaign being waged by fellow native Irish speakers in the Rossport communhty against the aims of the Sheil Corporation.

This was the second such protesi to be held in Conamara, the first took place the previous Sunday at Pádraig Pearse 's cottage in Ros Muc. And last Thursday two busloads of Conamara Gaeltacht people travelled to Rossport in an act of solidarity with that small, beleaguered community. One of the organisers of this growing solidarity movement was Clir Seosamh Ó Cuaig, who believes there are two major issues involved:

  • The original shameful deal which saw our natural resources being given away by the discredited former Fianna Fail Minister Ray Burke to a private consortium has to be revisited.
  • Secondly, the Irish government must use all its powers of persuasion to get the Sheli multinational corporation to put the safety of the local Rossport community before its profits and process the gas at sea and not on shore.

    Cllr Ó Cuaig was also critical of the two senior politicians in the Galway West constituency. "We need answers from Frank Fahey concerning the deal he struck with the multinationals as the then Minister for the Marine. Also, one must ask why the Minister for the Gaeltacht, Éamon Ó Cuív, has remained unusually suent even though this scandal is taking place in a Gaeltacht area," he added.

    Cúradh Chonnachtach 27/10/2006

    Caint Sheosaimh
    Conamara ag seasamh le muintir Ros Dumhach

    23/10/2006:Bhailigh thart ar 70 ag crosbhóthar Doire nFhéidh ag am lón inné. Bhí sé eagraithe ag an Comhleoir agus ball tofa Údarás na Gaeltachta Seosamh Ó Cuaig. Shiúladar soir chomh fada le crosbhóthar na Doireadha áit ar labhair an Comhairleoir Ó Cuaig (clé) leis an slua. Dúirt sé gur ceart na Teachtaí Dála áitiúla Ó Cuív agus Fahey a léiriú cén dearcadh atá acu ar phleananna Shell i dtuaisceart Mhuigheo. Labhair Seán Ó Coisdealbha (deas) leis an slua comh maith.

    An Cúéisteoir 23/10/2006

  • Shell cun Sáile
