Údarás sanctions €2m in funds for Carna/Cill Chiaráin area

Over €2m was announced for the Carna area at the Udarás na Gaeltachta Board meeting in Kerry this week. The money is going to three different projects a new Business Innovation Centre, site warks far a Crèche and warks at the Arramara Te0. seaweed pracessine factarv in Cill Chiaráin.

Councillor Seosamh Ó Cuaig from Cill Chiaráin, a member af the Udarás Baard. acknowledeed the help af the Údarás na Gaeltachta management in these initiatives.

³The maney came following a strong campaign². Councillor Ó Cuaig said "and I would also like ta say that the work and pressure from community people in Carna helped the case.

The Carna and Cill Chiaráin areas have been badly hit by unemployment and the latest census figures show a further naticeable drop in the populatian.

A sum of af €l.7m is being provided for the basiness Innovatian centre at the Údarás Industrial Estate in Carna. Planning permission is already available far an office type develapmeat at the site.

A total af €4l7.OOO is being provided ta prepare a site for a crèche at the Industrial Estate and €14O.OOO is sanctioned for Arramara Tea - the seaweed factarv.

This money is being used for a trial an a machine to cut seaweed and for a trial on better methods af drying seaweed when it is braught in.

An Cúradh Chonnachtach 6/7/2007
