No date bas yet been fixed for the meeting in Maam Cross about the conditions of the main Galway-Clifden-Leenaun road - the N59. Connemara County Councillors agreed some time ago that a public meeting about tbe road would be held.

The arrangements about this meeting have been handed over to Councillor Seán Ó Tuairisg who is the chairmain of the Connemara councillors' group.

There was discussion aboul the N59 at this week's meeting of the Connemara Councillors

Some Councillors such as Josie Conneely and Seosamh Ó Cuaig expxessed surprise that there is no plan available for the development of the N59 They want all of the road to be brought up to the same standard as the newer section between Bushypark and Moycullen.

Curadh Chonnachtach 28/3/2008


It appears that no arrangements have vet been made to hold the public meeting about the state of the main Galway-Clifden-Leenaun road known as the N59.

Connemara Country Councillors decided two months ago that a public meeting would be held in Maam Cross about the state of the road.

It is understood that Councillor Seán Ó Tuairisg was asked to organise the meettng.

Councillor Seosamh Ó Cuaig, who first proposed the public meeting, brought the matter up again this week at the Galway County Council meeting.

There is continuing concern that the N59 is going further downhill and that it is posing real risks to larger vehicles.

A large vehicle went off the road near Léim -- between Oughterard and Maam Cross -- Iatelv.

Drivers of large vehicles sav that if you go to near the edge that vou could be dragged into the mountain because of the weakness and imbalance in the road.

Councillor Josie Conneely. who has campaigned about the N 59 over a long period. says that the road needs to be brought up to the standard of the new section of road between Galway and Moycullen.

"The time when we would accept rickety narrow roads in this part of Connemara should be long gone". Councillor Conneelx said.

Josie Conneelv said that design work on the road should be donc quicklv. "We must be ready for the real work. he says "and without a plan that work will not be done!"

Curadh Chonnachtach 4/4/2008
