Closure of research company

Taighde Mara Teo in Carna, a marine research company under the umbrella of Údarás na Gaeltachta, had its doors closed for good last Friday evening. Údarás na Gaeltachta recently decided to close the company which had been in existence since 1982.

Údarás management said there was no longer any need for the company since there is now a range of research services in the marine sector in Connemara and in the west generally.

However, Councillor Seosamh Ó Cuaig said it was a backward step and that he had strongly opposed the closure.

High ranking managerial staff from Údarás na Gaeltachta were present when the offices were cleaned out and locked up in Carna on Thursday. Five people will lose their jobs.

Cúradh Connachtach 5/9/2008
