Údarás funding 'cut' €35m since 2002
Board asks for another meeting with Ó Cuív

Údarás na Gaeltachta is facing a crisis following the latest in a series of Government enforced financial cuts in the recent budget, and now the body is seeking a meeting with Minister Éamon Ó Cuív in a Iast ditch effort to have the measures which, they say "will seriously affect the service that the Údarás provides to the Gaeltacht community" reversed. One Údarás Board member, however, feels this latest cut is merely one more move in an overail strategy that would see the body's demise.

In a statement issued on October 30th The Board of Údarás na Gaeltachta said they "would like to express their great concern at the cutbacks recently announced in the Údarás na Gaeltachta budget. These cutbacks will seriously affect the service that the Údarás provides to the Gaeltacht community. Is a matter of greater disappointment that the cutbacks made are greater than those applied to other development agencies, as outlined in the estimates that were announced in the Budget recently."

The Board also asked Minister Éamon Ó Cuív to meet a deputation soon to discuss the resulting implications. A further statement, issued three weeks later, again calls for a meeting with the minister and said there were grave and serious implications for the operations and future of the organisation, as the monies allocated to it for 2009 show a deep lack of understanding of the essential requirements needed if the body is to deliver its programme of action in economic, social and Irish language development.

County Councillor Seosamh Ó Cuaig, an Independent elected member of the Board, told Glór Chonamara that, in real terms, the Board had its budget slashed from €61 million in 1ó2 - the year Minister Ó Cuiv was appointed - which in today's figures would equate to €78 million - to €48 million in 2008, and that this "scrooge" funding assumed the successfui sale by Údarás of €5 million worth of assets.

The latest Údarás statement says the body has pared its expenditure to the minimum, and that government had not acknowledged the cuts in staffing numbers and costs already undertaken. Neither was there any recognition that Údarás itself had no discretion over how 80% of its own budget was spent.

Clir Seosamh Ó Cuaig said. "In April 2005. Minister Ó Cuív had asked for submissions from the public and as a resuit of such submissions and review, said 'it is expected that proposals will be brought to Government in mid 2005 ta make appropriate revisions ta the current legisiative framework under which Údarás operates. What is actually happening is the slow, but sure, strangulation by the Minister of Údarás. I said at the time, three years ago, that he is cutting Údarás funds so that those funds can be chanelled into his department where he can dole it out in dribs and drabs to improve his own political profile in the Galway Gaeltacht. The past tbree years have proved me correct."

The statement this week from Údarás is as follows 'Ag cruinnú de Bhord Údarás na Gaeltachta De hAoine seo caite pléadh na himpleachtaí d'fheidhmiú na heagraíochta a bhaineann leis an gciorrú trom a rinneadh sa Cháinfhaisnéis ar bhuiséad reatha an Údaráis. Chuir an Priomhfheidhmeannach in iúl don Bhord go raibh impleachtaí tromchúiseacha don Údarás ag baint leis an soláthar airgid reatha atá curtha ai fáil don eagraíocht do 2009 mar go léiríonn sé easpa tuisceana ar bhunriachtanais na heagraiochta má ta sí le freastal cóir a dhéanamh ar a chlár gniomhaíochta eacnamaíochta, sóisialta agus teanga sa Ghaeltacht. Dúirt sé gur léir nár aithníodh go raibh laghdú suntasach déanta ar chostais riaracháin an Údaráis le roinnt bhlianta anuas - lagdhú ar líon agus costais foirne ach go háinthe - agus nach raibh aon discréid caiteachais ag an Údarás maidir le breis agus 80% d~ bhuiséad.

Cé go nglacann an tÚdarás leis go bhfuil gá le ciorruithe ar chaiteachas ar mhaithe leis an leas náisiúnta sé tuairim mheáite an Bhoird nár léir do na Ranna Stáit ábharrthacha gurb é an toradh a bheadh ar an gciorrú trom atá déanta ar bhuiséad reatha an Údaráis ná srian docht a chur ar chumas feidhmiúcháin na heagraíochta agus ar a chumas chun a spriocanna fostaíochta a bhaint amach. D'fhág an Bord faoin bhPriomhfheidhmeannach agus faoin gCathaoirleach an cás a phlé athuair leis an Aire Ó Cuív agus le feidhmeannaigh Sinsearacha na Roinne d'fhonn teacht ar fhoirmle réitigh."

While the Board seems to have little option at this stage but to approach minister Ó Cuív,Cllr Ó Cuaig is not the only elected member of the board who feels the exercise may be pointless; One Fianna Fáil member, who wishes not to be identified, told Glór Chonamara that ever since Minister Ó Cuív took office and gained control over Údarás there had been a relentless 'chokehold' placed on the Údarás finances. 'Even in the good times, when the country was awash with funds, and everybody else was being looked after, we have seen our funds cut year in, year out. I'm not the only one who feels like a turkey marching towards the Christmas table", he said.

Glór Chonamara 28/11/2008
