Fifteen point document at
the heart of coalition says Ó Cuaig A fifteen
point programme of work for the Connemara is being supported by a coalition of
Independent-Fine Gael-Labour and Sinn Fein county councillors,according to
Independent Councillor Seosamh Ó Cuaig. Counciller
Ó Cuaig said that the document put together by himself. included the
development of roads and highlighted the necessity for a new road from West
Connemara to Galwax City. Clir.
Ó Cuaig’s other campaigns in recent years included in the
document, includes the solving of the water and sewerage problem in Carraroe.
the provision of a visitor centre at Teach an Phiarsaigh in Rosmuc and the
provision of a public swimming pool and leisure centre for
the Connemara Gaeltacht. ClIr. Ó Cuaig said he was confident that with the support of the Technical simply walk away from the Coalition of councillors (Fine Gael-Labour-Jndependents- Sinn Fein), the programme could be implimented in full. “I
found the members of the coalition to be enthusiastic about the plan but I was
very clear and upfront to the other partners tht I would be reviewing its implimentation
on an annual basis. If there isn’t the necessary progress I will simply
walk away from the ‘coalition’,” he said. ClIr.
Ó Cuaig said said he was also seeking the formation of a new Coiste na
nOileáin with more representation for islanders than on the previous
body and he had called a separate Connty Council for Connemara. Bernie Ní Fhlatharta –
Connacht Tribune 2-7-2004 Baile |