A NEWLY formed community action group is to make submissions to An Bord Snip Nua outlining their concerns and obleetions to a number of proposais about the Gaeltacht.
Up to 200 people attended a public meeting in Carraroe last Wednesday night to discuss the implications of the recommendations made in An Bord Snip Nua's report.
Mná Tí, representatives from various Irish language and Gaeltacht organisations as well as individuals from all over the Connemara Gaeltacht and some from Dublin and Donegal attended the meeting.
Two primary recommendations were made at the meeting, which decided to form a new community action group known as The G Force and which will be making submissions on the report.
The group is currently spreading as much information about the proposais among the Gaeltacht community and they are hoping for feedback and information or comments.
One of the people who instigated the meeting was Trevor Ó Clohartaigh, a community activist who stood for Sinn Féin in the last local election.
He said that people were shocked at how the recommendations in the report
"Basically, all support mechanisms for rural areas as we know it would be gone"
would, if implemented, have a huge impact on rural life as they knew it in the Gaeltacht.
"Basically, all support mechanisms for rural areas as we know it would be gone which would leave us, in particular people living in the Gaeltacht, at a severe disadvantage. We felt it was necessary to alert people to what's in the report because it is quite extensive and not many will have read it.
"At the meeting we shared the highlights of how recommendations in the report would impact on our daily lives and this is what we want to get across to the wider public. It was also decided, due to public demand, to hold further public meetings, though submissions are due to be lodged by September 11," he added.
Anyone wishing to find out more about these upcoming meetings should email trevoroc@gmail.com